Zodiac Signs as Myers-Briggs Types

 Aries = ESTP (ESFP?) Aries is quick-thinking, flashy, headstrong, passionate, and impulsive. They can be quite passionate, but also very smart.

Taurus = ESFJ (ISFJ?) Taureans are very laid-back, sensory, sometimes extroverted, and sometimes introverted.

Gemini = ENTP (ESTP?) Geminis are very intelligent, creative, curious, eccentric, and intellectual.

Cancer = ISFJ (INFP?) Cancers are very smart, sensitive, emotional, introverted, and nurturing homebodies.

Leo = ESFP (ENFJ?) Leos love being the center of attention. They have big hearts and love helping people. They can seem bossy, but really they just love being in the middle of things.

Virgo = ISTJ (INTJ?) Virgos are introverted, intelligent, perfectionistic, analytical, logical, grounded, sensible, and orderly. 

Libra = ENFP (INFP?) Libras are charming, sociable, romantic, eccentric, kind, flexible dreamers who can be introverted.

Scorpio = INFJ (INTJ?) Scorpios are secretive, emotional, independent, introverted, bold, resentful, creative, passionate, sensitive, and loyal.

Sagittarius = ENFP (ENFJ?) Sagittarians are intuitive, eccentric, adventurous, charming, extroverted, exotic, honest, enthusiastic, carefree, independent, and passionate.

Capricorn = ENTJ (ESTJ?) Capricorns are ambitious, logical, analytical, practical, innovative, goal-oriented, sarcastic, strong leaders.

Aquarius = INTP (INTJ?) Aquarians are intelligent, eccentric, intuitive, creative, curious, philosophical, smart, ahead-of-the-game, introverted, independent, dreamers who always question tradition.

Pisces = INFP (INFJ?) Pisces are sensitive, intuitive, creative, emotional, introverted, optimistic, idealistic, caring, empathetic, compassionate, shy, and delicate.

and thems be the facts

If you have any feedback, let me know in the comments :)


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