Zodiac Signs as Their Extraverted/Introverted Equivalent
Explanation: Recently, I was thinking that Libra is basically the extroverted version of Pisces. This gave me the idea to write about how every sign is kind of like an extroverted/introverted version of another sign. With that being said, here are my thoughts on this.
ARIES would be the extroverted version of SCORPIO. I think this because Aries and Scorpio are both very passionate. They believe in things strongly, and they are determined to get what they want. They both value honesty and loyalty. In some ways, Aries and Scorpio are quite similar, except for the fact that Aries are natural extroverts. They love people and tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves. They love taking charge of a group. Scorpios, however, are quite happy being on their own. They don't share their feelings nearly as much, and they are introverts by nature.
LIBRA would be the extroverted version of PISCES. I think this because Libra and Pisces are both very intuitive, friendly, and creative. They are both romantic dreamers and they strive for peace. However, Libras tend to be extroverted. They are the definition of people-pleasers, and they are very charming, charismatic, persuasive, and talkative. Libras love sharing their ideas with the world and they like spending time with people. Pisces, however, tend to much prefer alone time. They spend most of their time in their heads, dreaming up fantasy worlds and scenarios.
GEMINI would be the extroverted version of AQUARIUS. One might think that Gemini and Aquarius are quite similar- they are both Air signs, highly intelligent and flexible by nature. They both love creativity and thinking outside the box. But Geminis love social situations. They are natural charmers and they LOVE to talk. Geminis are known to be the social butterflies of the zodiac. Aquarians, however, spend more time in their head than any other zodiac sign. They have so much to say, but they keep it in their heads. Aquarians have highly developed minds that love to learn, and so do Geminis, which is part of what makes them similar.
VIRGO would be the introverted version of CAPRICORN. I think this because Virgo and Capricorn are both analytical, practical, perfectionistic, and ambitious. They are also both earth signs, which means they are grounded and sensible. One might think that they are also both introverted. But in my opinion, that is not so. Virgos tend to keep to themselves and use their own methods to achieve their goals. But Capricorns prefer to work with others. They are also very ambitious, but they know how to talk to people, and once you get them going they will talk for hours about a subject. You may think they are introverts because of their secretive nature, but they love to share their well-formed and practical opinions with others. Also, and this is the biggest reason why Capricorns are extroverts, they are natural leaders. They love to boss people around and they naturally take charge in a group. But Capricorns are complicated, so I would say they are right in between extroverted and introverted.
CANCER would be the introverted version of TAURUS. This one might seem like a bit of a stretch, but Cancer and Taurus actually have more in common than you'd think. They are both nurturing, steady homebodies. But Cancerians are most definitely introverts. They would much prefer to stay at home and read a book rather than go to a party, and they are very comfortable with their loved ones and the people they already know. Taureans, however, are more of a wild card. They can be very comfortable on their own, but they can be the life of the party as well.
SAGITTARIUS would be the introverted version of LEO. This one might come as the biggest shock of all, as Sagittarius is often perceived as the most extroverted of all the signs. And most Sagittarians certainly are. But Sagittarians are a lot more dreamy and intuitive than Leos usually are. They are always looking for a new journey, a new experience, and they can get lost in that and not care about others as much. However... when you really think of it, Sagittarians are the definition of extroverted. They are focused entirely on the external world and love meeting new people from all sorts of backgrounds. This was a tough one, but I do think Sagittarians live in their own minds a teeny bit more than Leos do. Leos love the spotlight and they can seem bossy to some people. They, like Sagittarians, have big hearts, and always try to do what's right. Leos can seem arrogant and self-centered because they love being the center of attention so much. Really, Leo and Sagittarius are both extroverts. However, I would say Sagittarius is generally a bit more of an ambivert.
and them be the facts
What do you think? Should I have done anything differently? Let me know in the comments below :)
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