Examples of Fight/Flight/Freeze in Literature
Example 1- A joke Here is an example of someone’s Fight response kicking in, causing them to make a split-second decision, from a sad joke I heard a while ago. In the joke, there is a guy who has a wooden eye. He is at a school dance but he doesn’t have anybody to dance with. Someone with a wooden leg comes up to him, and the guy with the wooden eye says, “Do you want to dance with me?” The person with the wooden leg says, “Would I? Would I?!” The guy panics and shouts, “Peg leg! Peg leg!” (If you don’t get the joke, the person he wanted to dance with said “Would I” and it sounded like “Wood eye” to him, so he thought he was being made fun of.) This is a good example of the guy’s Fight response kicking in. He was probably feeling very self-conscious about his eye already, added to the stress of being at a dance and not being sure who to talk to. All that stress built up, making him hear something that wasn’t actually said, and it triggered a retaliation. Example 2- Warrior Cats No...